  • 终于认识观光巴士的英文

      My budget is tight.我的预算很紧张。
      Could you recommend some cheap bus travel companies?你能推荐几家便宜的旅游大巴公司吗?   What's the fare?车票多少钱?
      1、Travelling by bus has become the first choice.
      2、I don't have a lot of money.   我钱不多。
      3、I am on a low budget.   我打算花不多的钱。
      4、Could you suggest some cheap bus travel companies?   你能推荐几家便宜的旅游大巴公司吗?
      5、I'm looking for the cheapest transportation.   我想要用比较便宜的交通方式。
      6、I wanna take sightseeing across the USA by bus.   我想乘大巴观光旅游美国。
      7、How are they safety wise?   从安全角度讲他们怎么样?
      8、How are their travel networks?   他们的大巴都到哪些城市?
      9、How much should I pay for the ticket?   车票多少钱?
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