  • 总算知道拒绝邀请的英语对话

      人都没有分身术。事情太多的时候,总得有所取舍。偶尔拒绝别人也是可以理解的,不过,不管怎样,拒绝别人的邀请时要客气点!   1. I'm occupied.我现在很忙。   A: How about we go to the park?   B: Sorry, I'm occupied. I have to finish this today.   A: Next time then.   甲:我们去公园吧,   乙:不好意思,我现在很忙。我必须在今天做完这个。   甲:那下次吧。
      occupied的意思是“被占用的、已居住的”,主语是人时表示“很忙、有事情”。   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I'm busy now.   I'm fully engaged   I'm tied up.   I have a lot of stuff to do.
       can't make it this Sunday.我周日来不了了。   A: Hey, Alice. I'm looking for you.   B: Really? What's the matter?   A: Well, it's about your can't make it this Sunday. My parentsare coming to visit.   B: What a shame!
    [图片0]    don't think we have time.我们没有时间。   A: Let's go out and have some fun.   B: I want to, but I don't think we have time.   A: Oh, what a pity! It's a beautiful day.
      甲:我们出去玩玩吧。   乙:我也想啊,但是我们没有时间。   甲:这样啊,真可惜,天气这么好。
       wish I could bu I have to work that day.我希望我可以,但是我那天要工作。   A: I have a party for Ray Friday. Do you want to come?   B: I wish I could but I have to work that day.   A: Really? But the party begins at seven in the afternoon.   B: I know, but I have the night shift.   甲:我周五要为雷开一个派对。你要来吗,   乙:我希望我可以,但是我那天要工作。   甲:是吗,但是派对晚上七点才开始啊。   乙:我知道,但是我上晚班。
      'd love to but I have another appointment.我想去,但是我有约在先。   A: There is a ball this Saturday. Do you want to go?   B: I'd love to but I have another appointment.   A:What is it?   B: I told Mike I would go to his party.   甲:周六有个舞会。你想去吗,   乙:我想去,但是我有约在先。   甲:什么约会啊,   乙:我跟迈克说了我会去他的派对。
      appointment表示“约会”,常用搭配有:   make an appointment with sb.与某人订立约会have an appointment with somebody和某人有约cancel an an appointment取消约会