  • 总算懂得登门拜访 英文

      定期或不定期的亲朋聚会,联络感情很重要。如果老外邀请你去他家串门,那可是他和你称兄道弟友情升级的一大标志!   , is anyone home?你好,有人在家吗?   A: Hello, is anyone home?   B: Oh, Wagner! What a surprise!   A: I'm coming to see my old friend.   甲:你好,有人在家吗,   乙:哦,瓦格纳,稀客啊,   甲:我来看老朋友了。
      , come on in!嘿,请进   A: Hey, come on in!   B: Wow, nice place you've got here!   甲:嘿,请进!   乙:哦,你这地方真不错,   与这句意思相近的句子还有:   Hi! (Please) come in!   Hey, come right in!
    [图片0]   . My name's Rick. I just moved next door to you.嘿,我叫里克,我刚搬到你隔壁。   A: Hi I'm Rick. I just moved next door to you.   B: Nice to meet you. Welcome to the neighborhood.   甲:嘿,我叫里克,我刚搬到你隔壁。   乙:很高兴见到你。欢迎来到我们社区。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I just moved in next door.   I'm your new next door neighbor.
       feel awfu I haven't come to visit sooner.没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。   A: Hi! Welcome.   B: Thank you. I feel awful I haven't come to visit sooner.   甲:你好,欢迎光临。   乙:谢谢。没有及早过来拜访,我觉得过意不去。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I'm really sorry I haven't visited sooner.   !feel terrible that!haven't come to visit until now.   I feel/ badly awful I haven't come to visit before this.
      'm just in the community, so I think一may drop by.我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。   A: Wow, David. What brings you here?   B: I'm just in the community, so I think I may drop by.   A: How nice. Come in.   甲:哇,大卫,什么风把你吹过来了?   乙:我正好在这附近,于是就来串个门。   甲:你真有心。进来吧。
      老外想表达“在附近”时很少用I'm nearby.而是用:   I'm in the community.   I'm in the neighborhood.   community和neighborhood都是指“社区”。