  • 终于知晓空乘的常用英语

      Would you mind trading seats with me?可以跟你换个座位吗?
      Could you bring me a coke? 能帮我拿杯可乐吗?
      What's the time difference between Beijing and Boston? 北京和波士顿的时差是多少?
      1、Would you please help me to put my suitcase on the rack?   你能帮我把行李箱放到行李架上吗?
      2、May I exchange seats with you?   能跟你换个座吗?
      3、Could I get a coke?   能帮我拿杯可乐吗?
      4、May I have a blanket?   能帮我拿个毯子吗?
      5、Could you bring me another blanket please?   你能再给我拿条毯子吗?
      6、My headphone doesn't work well. Could you bring me another one?   我的耳机不好用,你能再给我拿一个吗?
      7、When will dinner be served?   什么时候上晚饭?
      8、Do you know when will we be landing?   你知道我们什么时候降落吗?
    [图片0] 以上是由深圳韦博英语小编为您整理的空乘的常用英语的全部内容。