  • 终于清楚征求意见 英语

      该买哪条裙子呢?该去哪里旅游呢?该怎么和丁A过情人节呢?这件事怎么办好呢?一个人的力量总是有限的,于是乎亲人、朋友、网络就成了我们征求意见的对象。那么,该如何征求意见呢?   1. What's your opinion?你怎么看?   A: What's your opinion?   B: I don't think she should have dumped him.   甲:你怎么看,   乙:我觉得她不该抛弃他。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   What do you say/ think/ reckon?   How about it?   What are your thoughts?   What's your perspective?
      'd like to hear your thoughts about it.我想听听您对这件事的看法。   A: I'd like to hear your thoughts about it.   B: Why? I wasn't even there.   甲:我想听听您对这件事的看法。   乙:为什么?我甚至都不在场。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I'd be glad to hear what you have to say about it .   I'd be glad to have your views on the event.   I'd be glad to hear what you think.
    [图片0]    you have an opinion about the event?对这件事你有什么见解?   A: Do you have an opinion about the event?   B: Well, I think there are good and bad sides to it.   甲:对这件事你有什么见解,   乙:我想有好的方面也有坏的方面。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   Do you have any particular point of view on the event?   Do you have any particular thoughts on it?
       do you think of me?你觉得我这个人怎么样?   A: What do you think of me?   B: I think you're a kind, generous person.   甲:你觉得我这个人怎么样?   乙:我觉得你是一个善良、大方的人。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   What do you think about me?   What do you think of me as a person?
       do you think of the plan?你觉得这个计划怎么样?   A: What do you think of the plan?   B:I think it stinks.   甲:你觉得这个计划怎么样?   乙:我觉得很糟糕。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   What do you think about the plan?   How do you feel about the plan?   What's your opinion about the plan?