  • 总算领会我同意英语怎么说

      某调查显示,美国人不爱听的话中有一句就是fine, fine不是“好”的意思吗?难道美国人喜欢别人和自己唱反调?当然不是啦。表达同意的句子很多,但它们传递出的语气却不一样,如何使用呢?一起来看一看吧!    guess you're right.我想你是对的。   A: We just can't afford it right now.   B: I guess you're right.   甲:现在我们付不起这个。   乙:我想你是对的。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I suppose you're right.
       so.我想是的。   A: You don't think she made the right decision?   B: Guess so.   甲:你不觉得她做了一个正确的决定吗,   乙我想是的。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I suppose.
    [图片0]   'm with you there.在这一点上我同意你的看法。   A: I really don't think we should go through with this plan.   B: I'm with you there.   甲:我真的认为我们不应该实施这个计划。   乙:在这一点上我同意你的看法。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   I'd go along with you there.   I'm with you.   I'm on the same page.   I feel the same way.
      .的确是这样。   A: I really feel like she doesn't put in enough effort.   B: Definitely.   甲:我真的觉得她没有倾注足够的精力。   乙:的确是这样。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   It sure/ certainly is.   For sure.   Exactly.
       think so, too.我也是这么想的。   A: I think we should try to save more money.   B:I think so too.   甲:我想我们应该试着多攒些钱。   乙:我也是这么想的。
      与这句意思相近的句子还有:   Same here.   That goes for me, too.   That makes two of us.