  • 总算知晓时间不等人的英文

      Time and tide wait for no man.   岁月不待人。   tide的本意是“潮水”,字面意思为“时间和潮汐不等人”。在这里,tide与time同义,表示时间、岁月,引申含义为“岁月无情,时间不等人”。
      May:Then why not get a job and have someone pay you? You can still go tograduate school later if you need or want to.   阿美:为什么不找份工作,先赚点钱呢?如果你需要或者想念研究生,你可以以后去。   Lisa:Yeah,and I think I will be a much better student once I know what I am there for.   利莎:嗯,我想当我更明确自己的目杭以后,我会是个更加出色的学生。
      May:Yeah,after gaining some work experience,you will be much clearer about what you are doing now.   阿美:是啊,等你获得一些工作经验以后,你就会更清楚你现在在做什么。   Lisa:Exactly, I need to make a decision at once. Time and tide wait for no man.   利莎:没错,我需要立刻做决定。时间不等人嘛。
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