  • 总算理解上班迟到 英语

      常用句子   You have been late 4 times this week.   你这周已经迟到四次了。
      Sorry I'm late. I got suck in the traffic.   对不起,我迟到了。我路上堵车了。
      I apologize for being late. But I had to see my doctor.   我为迟到道歉。但我必须去看医生。
      I swear I come on time everyday from now on.   我发誓从现在起每天都准时来。
      That's too irresponsible to be late again.   又迟到了,太不负责任了。
      I didn't realize it was so late.   我没意识到那么晚了。
      What held you up this morning?   今天早上什么让你迟到了?
      I'm not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer.   我不能再忍受你的拖拉毛病了。
      I am late. I overslept.   我迟到了。睡过头了。
      Do you have a reason for being late?   你迟到有个好理由吗?
      I am terribly sorry. I promise I will never happen again.   实在对不起。我确保不再迟到了。
      You are supposed to be here at eight.   你本应该八点到这的。
    [图片0]   情景对话   Carson:Robert. Can you come to my office?   Robert:Sure.   Carson:You have been late 4 times this week. Is this going tobe a continual problem?   Robert:I'm so sorry. I got stuck in the traffic today.   Carson:I could understand that being late once in a while.   But I don't understand you are continuously late for four times in a week. That's too irresponsible. How are you going to fix it?   Robert:his week, I got a lot of personal problems. I have solved all those problems and I was supposed to notbe late anymore. I planned on coming in to the office early today, but there was an accident that held up traffic.   Carson:You should anticipate all problems because I'm not going to tolerate your tardiness any longer. Am I clear?   Robert:Perfectly clear. I promise it will not happen again.   Carson:That's all.
      卡尔森:罗伯特,你能来我办公室一下吗?   罗伯特:当然。   卡尔森:这周你已经迟到四次了。这种情况还会继续吗?   罗伯特:对不起,我堵车了。   卡尔森:偶尔迟到一次,我可以理解。但是一周连续四天迟到,我不理解。那太不负责任了。你怎么处理这件事?   罗伯特:这周我遇到许多个人问题。我已经解决了这些问题,本来不会再迟到的。我今天打算早点来,但是路上出事故堵车了。   卡尔森:你该预见这些问题,因为我再也不能容忍你的拖拉毛病了。我说清楚了吗?   罗伯特:我发誓不会再这样了。   卡尔森:就这样吧.