  • 终于认识代理英文怎么说

      We would like to talk about the right of sole agency of your product.   我们能商谈贵公司产品的代理事宜吗?
      I want to sign a sole agency agreement with you on this item for a period of 2 years.   我想和你们签订一项为期两年的代理协议。
      We are able to offer you a 10% commission on all sales.   我们为你们的销售提供10%的佣金。
      What extent would you help us technically?   贵方在技术上能给我们提供什么帮助和支持?
      We have to decline your proposal of acting as our sole agency.   我们不得不谢绝你们作为我方代理的建议。
      How can we appoint you as our sole agent for such a small quantity?   订货量如此之少,我们怎能请您做代理呢?
      What about installment payments?   分期付款,怎么样?
      What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill?   你们能完成的年销售总额是多少?
      What kind of distribution capabilities do you have?   你们的分销能力怎么样?
      Thank you for offering us the sole agency for your products and we appreciate the confidence you have placed in us.   感谢贵方让我们代理贵方产品,感谢贵方对我们的信任。
      As our sole distributor, you are not expected to handle the sale of similar products.   作为我方的经销商,你方是不允许经营销售其他产地的类似产品的。
      I think it is premature for us to discuss the question of agency.   我认为现在讨论代理问题为时过早
    [图片0]   情景对话   Agent:Can we talk about the right of sole agency of your computer?   Supplier:What is the total annual turnover you could fulfill?   Agent:450, 000 units in our area.   Supplier:I think the annual sale of 450, 000units as a sole agency is rather conservative.   Agent:What is your proposal?   Supplier:At least 500, 000units in your market area.   Agent:What about the commission rate?   Supplier:Well, we provide 2% for every unit sold in excess of the quota, we'll give you 1% additional commission.   Agent:Then we would like to sign a sole agency agreement for a period of three years.   Supplier:No problem. What's your plan for promoting our products?   Agent:We have a retail store in the center of downtown area. The turnovers of every brand of electronics are quite also participate in the International Fair to promate our sales.   Supplier:Not a bad idea. How about the after-sales service?   Agent:We will deal with that too. It's vital to our service.   Supplier:From these points, we shall appoint you as our sole agent in your area.
      代理商:我们能商谈贵公司电脑的代理事宜吗?   供货商:在该地区45万台。   供货商:我认为作为代理商每年销售45万台太保守了。   代理商:你提议多少?   供货商:在你们地区市场至少50万台   代理商:佣金怎么算?   供货商:我们提供2%的佣金。超额完成销售,每台额外加1%佣金。   代理商:那么我们想签订一项为期3年的代理权协议。   供货商:没问题。你们如何进行产品宣传。   代理商:我们在市中心有一个零售店。每种电子品牌的销售额都相当可观。我们还参加国际博览会来宣传产品。   供货商:不错。售后服务呢?   代理商:我们也有售后服务。那是我们服务的重要部分。   供货商:这么看来,我们委任你方为该地区代理商。