  • 总算知道去机场英语

      Can you tell me the best way to get to the airport?   你能告诉我到飞机场的走法吗?
      I need a taxi to the airport.   我需要一辆出租车去机场。
      When I got to the airport, the plane had already taken off.   当我赶到机场时,飞机已经起飞了。
      I don't think I missed the flight because of my personal reason.   我不认为是我个人的原因导致我误机。
      Please tell me the reason why you missed the plane.   请告诉我你误机的原因。
      We have to catch a flight later this afternoon.   今天下午我们要去赶飞机。
    [图片0] 情景对话
      A: We are going on a trip tomorrow.   How will you get to the airport?   B: My friend will pick me up. How about you?   A: I don't know. I'm just worrying about it.   B: Why don't you take a taxi?   A: The airport is too far away from my home. It would cost too much.   B: How about taking the airport bus?   A: What is the fare?   B: about 20 to 30 yuan.   A: That's great! Where can I get the bus?   B: There is a station near the Civil Aviation Hotel.   A: Do you know how often the bus runs?   B: about every 30 minutes.   A: Thank you for telling me you tomorrow.   B: See you tomorrow.
      A:明天就要去旅行了。你怎么去机场?   B:我朋友会送我去。你呢?   A:我不知道。正发愁呢。   B:为什么不打车去?   A:机场离我家太远了。打车会很贵。   B:那么坐机场大巴呢?   A:车票多少钱啊?   B:大概20到30元吧。   A:那不错。在哪儿能坐大巴?   B:在民航酒店附近就有站点。   A:你知道多长时间一趟吗?   B:大概每半个小时一趟。   A:谢谢你告诉我这个。明天见。   B:明天见。
      通用句型   I'd like to change my flight to...   我想把我的航班改成……   例1:I'd like to change my flight to tomorrow noon.   我想把我的航班改成明天中午的。
      You can go to the airport by...   你可以乘……去机场。   例1:You can go to the airport by airport bus.   你可以乘机场大巴去机场。
      例2:You can go to the airport by taxi.   你可以乘出租车去机场。