  • 总算知道家具英语口语

      1)We have several three-piece suites on sale.   我们这儿有好几种三件套家具在展销。
      2) Feel free to sit down and test how comfortable they are.   请随便坐感受一下他们的舒适度。
      3) It's a real bargain.   这是真正的物有所值的产品。
      4) Those floor lamps are very nice and you can adjust the brightness according to whether you're reading or watching TV.   那些落地灯很好并且您可以根据您是在读书还是在看电视来调节亮度。
      5) I'd suggest you buy two.   我建议您买两个。
      6) We'll deliver them to you as soon as possible.   我们会尽快给您送货。
      7) If you need any help just let me know. My name is Jenney.   如果你需要帮忙,请告诉我。我叫珍妮。
      8) This mattress is very good. It's pretty firm.   这块床垫很好,它很结实。
      9) This is a very good brand. It doesn's sag easily.   这是一个非常好的品牌。它不容易松弛下陷。
      10) We offer a life time warranty. So you don't have to worry about its quality.   我们提供终生保修。所以你无须担心质量问题。
      11) We also offer a very good financing plan. There is no payment, no interest until next June.   我们还提供一个很好的理财计划。直到明年六月都是免支付,免利息。
    [图片0]   情景对话   A: Hi, can I help you?   你好,我能为你效劳吗?   B: No, thanks! I'm just looking.   不,谢谢!我只是随便看看。
      A: All right. If you need any help, please let me know. My name is Greg.   好的。如果你需要帮忙,请告诉我。我叫格雷格。   B: Sure, I will let you know if I need anything.   一定,如果需要帮忙,我会告诉你的。
      A: This mattress is very firm. Jackie will probably like it.   这块床垫很好,它很结实。杰基可能会喜欢它。   B: Did you find something you like?   你找到你喜欢的东西了吗?
      A: Yes. This mattress is very good. It's pretty firm. The mattress I'm now sleeping on is saggy.   是的。这块床垫很不错。它非常结实。我现在睡的床垫下陷了。   B: You are right. This is a very good brand. It doesn's sag easily. And we offer a life time warranty. So you don't have to worry about its quality.   你说得没错。这是一个非常好的品牌。它不容易松弛下陷。而且我们提供终生保修。所以你无须担心质量问题。
      A: Does it come with the frame?   它包含床架吗?   B: Unfortunately it doesn't. However we can give you a 15 percent discount on the frame. We also offer a very good financing plan. There is no payment, no interest until next June.   很遗憾地说,并不包含。但是,这个床架我们可以给你打85折。我们还提供一个很好的理财计划。直到明年六月都是免支付,免利息。
      A: That's an attactivc plan. I'll think about it.   这是一个很吸引人的计划。我会考虑的。   B: Well. You've got to hurry. This mattress sells pretty well and this promotion ends tomorrow.   你必须快一点。这种床垫很热销,这次的促销活动明天就截止了。