  • 终于理会英语口语邀请异性

      He has asked me out several times already .   他已经几次邀请我外出。
      Normally , i should accept her invitation .   按理我该接受她的邀请。
      People tended to accept her invitations .   人们都乐于接受她的邀请。
      He was initiated into literary fraternities .   他被邀请加入了文艺学会。
      Do n't invite him - he 's a drag .   不要邀请他--他这个人讨厌极了。
      I invite you to my wedding on the spot .   我现在就邀请你来参加我的婚礼。
      May i have the pleasure of this dance ?   我可以邀请您跳这个舞吗?
      He respectfully declined the invitation .   他有礼貌地谢绝了邀请。
      She took up his offer of a drink .   他邀请她喝酒,她也就接受了。
      We look forward to your reture on an early day ..   我们盼望你早日归队。
      He was looking forward to being in work again .   他盼望着再就业。
      I don't look forward to that session on tv .   我对参加那个电视节目不感兴趣。
      We are so much looking forward to seeing you again .   我们非常盼望再见到你。
      A:When can we expect you for dinner? Can you come tonight?   A:你什么时候能来和我们一起吃晚饭?今晚能来吗?
      B:Not tonight. I promised to go to a concert with my sister.   B:今晚不行,我答应和我姐姐一起去音乐会。
      A:Well...... How about Friday then?   A:哦……那星期五怎么样?
      B:That sounds fine.   B:星期五可以。
      A:Good. Shall we say seven o'clock?   A:好极了。那就说好七点钟好吗?
      B:I'll be there. You're still a fabulous cook, aren't you?   B:我一定到。你还是个精湛的厨师呢,是吗?
      A:That'll be for you to decide. I've got a new dish that I want to try out on you.   A:那得由你来裁决。我新学会做一道菜,想让你试试我的手艺。
      B:I'm ready. I'll look forward to it all Friday!   B:我准备好了。我现在满心期待的都是星期五啦。
      邀请,邀请信: einladung, die; -en
      吸引,邀请: intend/invite
      邀请……过来: ask...over

      邀请,要求: call for
      邀请;请柬: invitation
      邀请;召回: call in
      邀请表: invitation list
      邀请的: invitational; invitatory
      抱歉be: sorry
      抱歉,遗憾: regret
      抱歉的: regrettable; sorry
      抱歉地: regrettably
      很抱歉: i's sorry; sorry for sth. th ...
      为…抱歉: sorry about/for
      遗憾,抱歉: rgrt regret
      真抱歉: i am sorry to keyou waiting; ...
      被期待: be supposed to
      场期待: field expectancy; fieldexpec ...
      等候,期待: await
      盼望,期待: look forward to
      期待, 盼望: look forward to
      期待,盼望: look forward to doing