  • 总算清楚互相介绍英语口语

      常用句子   , this is Joe's brother David.   玛丽,这是乔的弟弟,大卫。
      2. Mrs. Smith, I'd like to introduce a friend of mine, Pierre Dubois.   史密斯太太,我给你介绍我的一位朋友,皮埃尔·迪布瓦。
      3. Wendy, I'd like you to meet my brother Sam.   温迪,我想让你见见我的弟弟山姆。  
     4. Mrs. Hughs, this is Peter Brown.   休斯太太,这是彼得·布朗。
      5. I hope you're enjoying your stay here.   希望你在这儿能过得开心。
      6. Allow me to introduce my former English teacher.   请允许我向你介绍我以前的英语老师。
      7. We have a mutual friend一John White, who may have spoken about me.   我们有一个共同的朋友约翰·怀特,他也许提过我。
      8. Let me introduce to you my boyfriend, Peter.   让我给你介绍一下我的男朋友彼德。
      9. I'm looking froward to getting to know you better.   我盼望能有机会多了解你。
      10. Do you remember me from last year's conference?   你记得在去年的会议上见过我吗?
    [图片0] 情景对话
      A: Hi! How are you?   B: Fine. How about you?   A: Super! Let me introduce you to my niece, Claire. Claire, this is Dan-he works with me at the office.   C: Hello, Dan.   A: Dan, this is my brother John's daughter, Claire.   B: Pleased to meet you. I didn't know John had a daughter. Where's he been hiding you?   A: She's been living in Paris. She just moved back.   B: It must be quite a change coming back here?   C: It is, but I'm glad to be back and know some new friends.
      A:嗨,你好吗?   B:我很好。你呢?   A:我好极了!我来给你介绍一下我的侄女,克莱尔。克莱尔,这是丹,他是我的同事。   C:你好,丹.   A:丹,这是我哥哥约翰的女儿,克莱尔。   B:很高兴见到你。我还不知道约翰有个女儿呢。他把你都藏在哪儿了?   A:她一直住在巴黎,现在刚刚搬回来。   B:感觉变化很大吧-回到这里来。   C:是啊,不过我很高兴我能回来认识一些新朋友。