  • 终于知道找工作用英语怎么说

    [图片0] 又是一年招聘季。求职艰辛,路漫漫其修远兮。当我们啃着面包天南地北的到处跑,只为能有一个面试机会时,其中的艰辛和苦楚只有自己知道。学英语没有捷径可走,要真正掌握英语,非下苦功夫不可,以下是美联英语为您整理的找工作用英语怎么说? A: It's said that there would be a job fair on Tuesday in our college. B: Yeah, I heard that, too. A: What kind of job are you interested in? B: A job which is related to my field of study. A:听说周二我们学校会举办一场招聘会。 B:是的,我也听说了。 A:你想找什么样的工作? B:与我专业相关的。
    A: What kind of job are you fond of? B: Actually, I don't know what my favorite career is. A: Oh, you should know the importance of career planning. B: Yeah, I know, but I just haven't got a clue about finding a job. A:你对什么工作感兴趣? B:实际上,我也不知道我喜欢的职业是什么。 A:哦,你应该知道职业规划的重要性。 B:是的,我知道,但是我对找工作一点头绪也没有。