  • 终于明白英语开会通知

    Dialogue One   A: Hello. This is Kate, who is Mr. Hu's secretary. Could I speak to Mr. Cheng?   B: This is Cheng Ming speaking.   A: I'm calling to notice you to attend the meeting to be held at three o' clock on the nose today.   B: I think I can attend. Do you have any particular agenda and do I have to prepare any materials?   A:You will discuss the sales strategy this year. You can prepare some related materials.   B: Thank you for noticing me.   A:You’re welcome. Please arrive at the meeting room on time.
      A:你好,我是胡先生的秘书凯特。请找一下程先生听电话好吗?   B:我就是程明。   A:我打电话来是通知你参加今天3点整举行的会议。   B:我想我能出席。有什么特别的议程?需不需要我准备材料?   A:你们将讨论有关今年销售策略的问题。你可以准备一些相关的材料。   B:谢谢你通知我。   A:不客气,请按时到达会议室。
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